Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 3, 2011

Words and Their Stories: Food Expressions

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. A listener from Brazil, Elenir Scardueli, sent us a list of popular expressions about food. So today we will talk about expressions that use vegetables and fruits.

For example, a cucumber is a long, green vegetable that people often eat in salads. You might say a person is as cool as a cucumber if he never seems to worry about anything and stays calm in a stressful situation. If you put a cucumber in a solution of vinegar and spices for a long time, it becomes a pickle. But if you are in a pickle, you are in trouble or a difficult situation.

If two people are very similar, you might say they are like two peas in a pod.

There are several expressions about beans. If someone is very energetic, you might say she is full of beans. If you say something does not amount to a hill of beans, you mean it is of little importance. I might say you don’t know beans about a subject if you do not know anything at all about it. But if you spill the beans, you tell something that was supposed to be a secret.

Potatoes are a popular food in many areas. But something is considered small potatoes if it is not important. You probably would not want to hold a hot potato in your bare hands. This also means a problem or issue that no one wants to deal with. Someone might call you a couch potato if you sit and watch television all day and get little or no physical exercise.

Like potatoes, turnips are root vegetables that grow in the ground. Here is an old saying: you cannot squeeze blood out of a turnip. That means you cannot get something from a person that he or she is not willing or able to give.

Farmers have to separate the valuable parts of their crops from the waste. So separating the wheat from the chaff means keeping what is valuable and rejecting what is worthless.

Students often have to take a difficult test to gain entrance to a special school. So you could say the ones who are chosen are the best ones, or the cream of the crop.

There is an old saying that forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. That means some people get pleasure from doing something that they are not supposed to do.

Bananas are a popular fruit to eat. But if you go bananas, you are wild with excitement or worry.

Finally, let us talk about lemons. Lemons have a sour taste if you eat them plain. But lemons make a nice drink when you mix their juice with sugar and water. So here is an expression about lemons that we like: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This means you should always try to make the best of a bad situation.


This program was written by Shelley Gollust. I'm Faith Lapidus. You can find more WORDS AND THEIR STORIES at our website, You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube at VOA Learning English.

Words and Their Stories: Food Expressions, Part Two

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. We received a list of expressions about food from Elenir Scardueli, a listener from Brazil.

Today we will talk about some good things to eat. If something is new and improved, we say it is the best thing since sliced bread. In the past, bread was only sold in loaves in baked goods stores. Today, American supermarkets sell sliced bread in plastic bags. Many people thought this was easier because you did not have to cut the bread yourself. The person who makes the most money in a family is called the breadwinner.

Bread and butter issues are those that are most important to Americans and affect them directly – like jobs and health care.

Half a loaf is better than none means that getting part of what you want is better than getting nothing at all. If you know which side your bread is buttered on, then you know what your best interests are and will act to protect them.

Many Americans like their bread toasted. Toast is cooked with dry heat until it starts to turn brown. But you are in big trouble if someone tells you you’re toast.

If you say something is a piece of cake, it means something is really easy, like a test you take in school. Cakes are often covered with a sweet topping, called icing. Icing on the cake means something good that happens in addition to another good thing. Another expression says you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. This means you cannot have everything your way, especially if two wishes oppose each other.

Hotcakes are also called pancakes. They contain flour, eggs, milk and baking powder. You cook them in a frying pan and eat them with fruit or a sweet topping. If a new product is popular and selling well, you might say it is selling like hotcakes.

But if a friend of yours did something bad, you might stop being friends with him immediately or drop him like a hotcake.

Flat as a pancake describes something that is, well, really flat.

A tough cookie is not something you want to eat. It is a person who is difficult to deal with, and would do anything necessary to get what he or she wants. This person could be a sharp cookie or someone who is not easily fooled. Very often things do not go the way we planned. Instead of getting angry or sad, you might just accept it and say that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Many pies are also good to eat. If something is easy to do, you could say it is easy as pie. But if you do something wrong or bad, you might have to apologize and show you are sorry. In other words, you might have to eat humble pie.

If you have an idea or plan that is not really possible, someone might say it is pie in the sky. If something is really easy to do, you might say it is like taking candy from a baby. But that would not be a very nice thing to do!


This program was written by Shelley Gollust. I'm Faith Lapidus. You can find more WORDS AND THEIR STORIES at our website,

Words and Their Stories: Food Expressions, Part Three

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. We present more expressions about food. They are from Elenir Scardueli, a listener in Brazil.

My mother always told us there is no use crying over spilled milk. That means you should not get angry when something bad happens and cannot be changed. People said my mother was a good egg. She would always help anyone in need. We never had to walk on eggshells around her. We did not have to be careful about what we said or did because she never got angry at us. She also told us you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. This means you have to do what is necessary to move forward.

My mother believed you are what you eat. A good diet is important for good health. She would always give us nutritious food. She liked serving us meat and potatoes for dinner. Meat and potatoes can also mean the most important part of something. It describes someone who likes simple things. Here is another expression about meat: one man’s meat is another man’s poison. In other words, one person might like something very much while another person might hate the same thing.

My father was also a good and honest person. People said he was the salt of the earth. He would never pour salt on a wound, or make someone feel worse about something that was already a painful experience. However, sometimes he told us a story that seemed bigger than life. So we had to take it with a grain of salt. That is, we could not believe everything he told us.

My husband has a good job. He makes enough money to support our family. So we say he brings home the bacon. He can cut the mustard, or do what is expected of him at work. It is easy to find my husband in a crowd. He stands almost two meters tall. He is a tall drink of water.

I take the train to work. It is not a pleasant ride because the train can be full of people. It is so crowded that we are packed like sardines – just like small fish in a can.

My supervisor at work is sometimes out to lunch. She is out of touch and does not always know what is going on in our office. Yet she is right about one thing: there is no such thing as a free lunch. Something may appear to be free of charge, but there may be a hidden cost.

When we fail to see problems at work, my supervisor tells us to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to pay more attention and fix the problem.

I once made a big mistake at the office and felt foolish. I had egg on my face.

Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch a football game on television. But I do not like football. It is not my cup of tea.

We hope this program has given you food for thought, that is, something to think about.

Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 8, 2010

Minh bi stress that roi… :(

Minh bi stress that roi… :(. That ko the tuong tuong dc cuoc song gia dinh lai phuc tap den the! Minh cam thay bat luc! Luc chua co chong, minh luon thac mac tai sao ng` ta ko hanh phuc? Minh chi nghi don gian, chi can co tinh yeu, nguoi ta se lam dc tat ca de giu cho gia dinh hanh phuc. Bay gio thi minh moi biet, no’ ko he don gian nhu vay. Luc truoc thi` minh khoc’ tham vi tinh yeu dang do, nhung it ra cung~ vui ve hon bay gio boi vi khoc roi thoi, ko phai doi dien voi dau kho nhu bay gio. Bay gio minh luon song trong lo lang, tuy dang cuoi ma` trong long` ko ye^n. Cu so rang biet dau 1 chut nua day, lai co chuyen, lai gian nhau, minh lai phai thay cai guong mat va giong noi’ do’, minh rat so. Cu moi luc nhu vay minh muon chay chon, muon bo di, muon que^n het, … minh lai khoc’…, khoc’ gi minh thay dau long`, thay tui than, thay chong minh sao qua vo tinh, it ky, hep hoi`, de y’, gian hon tu li tu ti’.. hinh anh nguoi chong cao thuong, vi tha, yeu thuong vo trong long` minh ko con` nua, tat ca vo vun khi nhin` thay guong mat gian hon cung` giong noi’ kho’ nghe do’… minh cam thay met moi that su roi, hinh nhu ko con` gi de niu keo’ minh lai nua. Co’ le moi chuyen se toi te hon neu tinh trang nay` keo dai`. Minh da co gang lo lang cho chong nhu vay roi, nhung van ko the khoa lap nhung thu nho nhat, minh cam thay that tam thuong khi dat mat nhung chuyen bua an, giac ngu. No’ lam minh chan’ den muc ko the chap nhan dc nua roi. Neu cu nhu vay, minh se vi` benh tim ma` chet hoac se bi dien mat. Minh con` em ut’ de lo, phai lo cho tui no’ hoc hanh` dang hoang, va` phai tap cho tui no’ co’ suy nghi va` loi song tich cuc. Co’ nhu vay minh moi an long` ma` ra di ( minh cung~ ko hieu sao, nhieu luc chan’ minh deu muon bo di 1 noi nao do that xa, noi ma` minh ko phai chiu dung nhung kho dau nay` nua, noi do’ ko ai biet minh). Bay gio minh that su be^’ tac’, ko biet lam sao de cai thien moi quan he vo chong. Moi khi minh noi’, moi chuyen lai xa^u’ hon, im lang thi` cu lap di lap lai nhu vay hoai, cung~ chang keo’ dai` dc bao la^u. Minh cu nghi khi co’ chong, co’ nghia la co them 1 ng` cung` minh san se bot noi lo, cung` nhau nhin` ve mot huong de xay dung cuoc song, cung` nhau thau hieu va` chia se~ moi thu. Dang nay` minh` cam giac cang` ngay` cang` cach’ xa nhau, minh` ko con` biet tam su voi ai, cang` ngay` cang` khep’ minh` lai, chi vi` so noi’ nhieu lai co’ chuyen gian hon, lai thuc tha^u dem, lai chan’ nan~, … cu nhu vay riet roi minh ko biet song de lam gi nua.

Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 7, 2010

Hy vong...

Toi thay met moi vo cung` khi nghi toi canh phai buoc vao can phong voi ko khi nang ne do. Toi muon dc binh yen, ko phai met moi nhu the nay`. Neu toi biet cuoc song hon nhan nhu the nay` thi` co le toi da suy nghi lai. Chang tha` song 1 minh ma` thay tam hon thoai mai’, ko phai lo lang, so hai minh se~ lam phat y ng` khac, ko phai thay canh chong minh gian hon, nang nhe vi nhung chuyen nho nhat trong nha`, nhung thu ma` minh ghetnhat o Cha minh. No’ that khung khiep, minh da phai chiu dung suot thoi tuoi tho, tuong dau dc hanh phuc khi co’ the tu lap, co the co cuoc song binh yen. Nao ngo, toi lai gap nhung dang cay, met moi khac … :( Tôi thật sự ko thể chấp nhận nỗi cái tính cách để ‎y tới những chuyện nhỏ nhặt của chồng. Trong suy nghỉ của tôi, ng` chồng của tôi rất rộng lượng, luôn yêu thương vợ, ko bao giờ nặng lời la mắng vợ và cũng ko bao giờ để ‎ tới những chuyện bếp núc. Tôi muốn chồng mình chỉ nghỉ tới những chuyện lớn ngoài xã hội, những chuyện làm ăn lâu dài. Tôi hy vọng chồng mình có tầm hiêu biết rộng và sâu sắc hơn mình. Và luôn suy nghỉ theo lối sống tích cực, ko suy nghỉ một cách tiêu cực như bây giờ vì như thể rất dễ rơi vào tình trạng chán nãn và mệt mỏi. Hơn nữa, suy nghỉ của anh ko vững chắc và tự tin vào bàn thân, luôn bị dao động và chán nãn bời những lời nói của những ng` xung quanh. Thế là lại rơi vào trạng thái mất cân bằng, rồi lại dễ giận dễ hờn mỗi khi mình phản đối những suy nghĩ đó. Hic.. mình thật sự càm thấy chán nãn mỗi khi thấy chồng có lối suy nghĩ tiêu cực, chỉ nhìn vào những cái nhỏ nhặt, mà ko suy nghỉ sâu sắc và có căn cứ. tôi cảm thấy thất vọng lắm. Tôi muốn giúp chồng mình sống tốt hơn và có thành tựu sau này mà chưa biết phải làm gì. Mình cũng ko biết chồng mình có hiểu những lo lắng của mình hay lại nghỉ mình cũng như những ng` khác, luôn tìm cách bác bỏ những ‎ y’ định của anh ấy. Mình chỉ muốn nhìn thấy một hình ảnh mạnh mẽ, quyết đoán ở chồng mình, chứ ko muốn nhìn thấy một con người yếu đuối như bây giờ. Mình hy vọng bản lĩnh đàn ông trong anh ấy vẫn tồn tại và sẽ phát huy một ngày nào đó, mình hy vọng chồng mình sẽ thành công…

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 4, 2010

Lại một ngày buồn...

Sang’ nay toi thay chan’ qua’! toi cam thay khoang cach giua 2 vo chong ngay` cang` xa. Ngay cang` it’ chia se~ cung` nhau. Chi noi’ 1 vai` cau la` co’ chuyen, roi chong lai gian dzu voi minh. Minh rat so nhin thay guong mat do’… hichic.. chan’ qua di. Luc’ yeu nhau minh ko thay anh nhu vay. Ko phai luc nao cung~ chap nhat tung cau noi’ cua minh, de gian de buon. Minh muon la that to rang “minh met moi qua’”. Tinh tinh anh thay doi qua that thuong, de chan’ nan, de that vong, ko co’ suy nghi vung vang` gi het. Luc nao minh cung~ thay phap phong lo so, ko tim dc cam giac an tam. Cu tinh trang nay` keo dai` hoai thi ko biet ban than minh co’ chiu noi hay ko nua. Anh ko cho minh cai cam giac binh yen va` tin vao tuong lai tot dep. Anh se san sang` vut bo het moi thu neu thay chan nan, mac du` truoc do’ anh dat ra mot muc tieu tuoi sang’. Va` hon nua, anh lai ap’ dat suy nghi cua anh len minh. Muon minh going nhu anh. Sao anh ko de thoi gian de hieu cho minh chu? Dau phai minh ko muon thay doi? Dau phai minh chap nhan cai’ hien tai? Minh da rat dau kho, met moi vi` phai chiu dung nhu the. Minh dau phai song 1 minh, minh song gi ng` khac’ nua trong do’ co’ anh. Minh ko dam’ thay doi boi gi so anh se bo dzo giua chung, luc’ do’ 2 dua lay gi ma song? Minh thay met moi qua’, minh nhan thay mih cang` it’ noi’ hon, cang` ko muon noi’ chuyen nhieu voi anh. Minh luon co’ cam giac rang bat cu deu gi minh noi’ ra cung~ sai doi voi anh. Minh cam thay cuoc song vo chong that la ngot ngat, met moi. Minh ko dam’ tuong tuong toi nhung loi noi’ dau long`, nhung minh luon nghi toi no’. Minh so 1 ngay nao do’ ko xa minh se ko the tiep tuc dc nua…

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 3, 2010

4 cách thắt cravate

Thắt kiểu "Four in hand"

Đây là cách thắt đơn giản nhất với bốn động tác cơ bản và cũng là cách thắt nhanh nhất. Đặc điểm của cách thắt này là nút thắt nhỏ, chặt và bất đối xứng. Kiểu này phù hợp với cổ áo có khuy chuẩn, và cà vạt làm từ chất liệu dày.

Kiểu Windsor

Cách thắt này được sử dụng phổ biến vào những năm 1930, là cách phức tạp hơn và quả trám cũng to hơn. Nó phù hợp với cổ áo rộng, thích hợp cho những buổi phóng vấn xin việc, thuyết trình...

Kiểu bán Windsor

Đây là cách thắt Windsor đã được đơn giản hóa. Có thể dùng với các loại áo, và các loại cravate bằng vải mỏng và trung bình.

Kiểu Pratt

Cách thắt này được một người Mỹ phát minh vào năm 1989 là đóng góp mới nhất vào nghệ thuật thắt cravate. Thích hợp cho mọi loại quần áo với cà vạt từ chất vải mỏng hoặc dày tùy thích.

Gập cravate

Thông thường, cravate được treo ở mắc cùng với áo sơ mi. Nhiều quý ông thường thắt sẵn để tiện lợi hơn khi sử dụng. Tuy nhiên, những lúc đi xa hoặc đi công tác, tốt nhất là bạn nên gập cravate đúng cách để giữ cho nó không bị nhăn hoặc bị tạo thành nếp gấp khi sử dụng.

Sau đây là cách gập cravate chuẩn:

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 3, 2010


Huhu.. toi buon qua! Toi that ko the ngo duoc rang sau khi cuoi lai nhu the nay, hic.. toi qua toi da khoc’, khoc’ vi thay minh bi xuc pham ghe ghom, hinh nhu minh chua bao gio nan ni ai het. Vay ma` minh da phai rang’ dan long de nan ni anh. Vay ma` van ko chiu. Tai sao vay? Minh chi noi’ dua thoi ma`? Tai sao lai gian hon nhu vay? Tinh tinh gi ky vay? Minh cam thay that dau don va` hut hang vo cung`. Minh ko the tuong tuong dc rang, minh ko co’ 1 ti’ quan trong nao trong long` anh, anh cung~ chi xem minh nhu tat ca moi ng`, anh co’ the xem minh la ke thu` bat cu luc nao`. Minh cam thay dau don ghe ghom. Tu nhien cam thay cuoc song qua’ nang ne. khong muon tiep tuc nhu the chut’ nao`. Neu tro lain gay truoc khi quyet dinh dam cuoi, chac co’ le~ minh se suy nghi lai. Chang tha` ko la` vo chong ma` con giu dc tinh cam tot dep. Anh trong long` minh van nguyen ven la 1 hinh anh vui ve, chan thanh`, rong luong va yeu thuong minh het long`. Con` bay gio, hic..chi can tuong tuong den guong mat anh luc’ do’ la` minh ko con` muon gap lai anh nua, thai do lanh lung` ay that qua tan` nhan doi voi minh. Minh muon chay chon khoi cai’ hinh anh do’, minh ko muon nhin thay.

Installing Daily Build Packages onto an Android Device

Follow this instruction if you have not install the Android device on your PC:

1. Plug in the android device via USB
2. See that Windows detected a new hardware
3. In Wizard, select "yes, connect this time only", press Next
4. Select install from a list or specific location (Advanced), press Next
5. Search driver at the following location, and check specify location
6. Browse and set the location to the path


7. Follow the steps finish installing the USB driver for your Android device

Once the Android device is installed onto your PC use the following steps to copy XT9 packages onto the device:

1. Attach your Android device to the PC
2. To verify that the device is detected type the follow in command prompt

C:\>adb devices

3. See that adb recognizes your device
4. Type:

start emulator @myandroid

5. Wait until the emulator shows the home sceen
6. Close the emulator
7. Run the script install_xt9_android.bat found in CVS folder et9/android/dailybld
8. Inside the command prompt output, verify that all packages are copied onto the device successfully. Done.

How to Reset Android Device

Menu -> Settings -> SD card & Storage -> Factory Data Reset
How to set system partition size on Android v2.0 (Eclair)

* emulator -avd [device-name] -partition-size [size-number-in-MB]
* For example: emulator -avd myandroid -partition-size 1024